This series, titled The Possibles, explores the familiarity and strangeness inherent in abstraction, and the potential for simple shapes to trigger memories and emotions. Their first impression should be of simplicity, as when one recognizes a friend from far away by the distinctness of their shape alone, and one's first impression, uncompounded, is, "ah, that is X," and then comes the trickle of reflections, leading to thoughts no longer simple. So that to look again at X on the horizon, or to look again at the painting on the wall, would be to feel that while we may have only glimpsed a bit of matter, a shadow of something, we have also visited a place where image and energy alternately fuse and divide. My hope is to make tender but formidable, paradoxically harmonic paintings that may be inexplicable and yet speak.
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Earlier Event: November 7
The New Big is Small
Later Event: June 4
Drawing and Sparring | Ringside work by Fort Point Artists